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عراقُ الحضاراتِ سَيبقى وطني

"عراقُ الحضاراتِ سَيبقى وطني " مقال بقلم " حسين أكرم غويلي "       أعلم بأن ما سأكتبه لن يُغير شيئاً مم...


"Radical Islam" an actual creed? Or just a deception?"

Abdulhadi Faris

If we want to know what radical Islam is, maybe we should know what Islam really is in
the first place.

Islam is the last Abrahamic monotheistic religion which its followers believe there is only one god and Mohammed is the last of all messengers.it started around 1400 years ago in a Saudi region named Makkah.
It is also the second largest religion in the world with fastest growing rate than all of the other major religions.
So, some of you may wonder why there is a radical religion with a retroactive ideology still growing this fast?

First of all, every religion has to have a minority or a sect that conveys the extremist and most radical thoughts in the name of god, but for sure it doesn't reflect the actual teachings of that religion and Islam is no different.

With a little of researching about Islam and carefully studying its teachings and principles we can find the most compassionate, merciful and generous religion in history and this is why it's growing and spreading so fast to many other countries.
On the other hand, some Islamic sects has their own ideologies which can transform this merciful religion into a living hell.
The current image of Islam in the western side of the world or let's just say the image in the media has started a long time ago
But the actual beginning was after 9/11 incident in the United States, where all Muslims around the US has faced a media frenzy that incitement violence towards those people describing them as a terrorists.

These incidents has led to a political profit (coincidentally) for the US government to start a war on Iraq looking for a ghostly weapons of master destruction to protect their own national security. In that time (al-Qaida) was the face of the so called radical Islam which has helped the US government to fulfil their wishes of conquering Iraq.
After the killing of the chief of al-Qaida (Ben Laden) and strangely throwing him into the sea, all of us thought oh- this is the end of radicalisms and extremist, but just wait for a few years, until there is something worthy to let the radicalisms returns to the field.
And that’s what happened, the radicalisms returned in a new form, a new land, with an updated ideology and a new aims.

Radical group so called "ISIS" has become the new face of al-Qaida to liberate Syria and Iraq from their unjust governments.

But once again those "Muslims" have sabotages the land and brought nothing but misery and destruction to their brothers
And costs the people billions of dollars for the weapons deals from ….. Wait for it, the US government! What a coincidence! But of course this time America won't have all cake because Russia wants a piece of it too.

If we open our minds and let the thoughts flow, we can clearly see that Islamic radicals and extremist are only little poppets in the hand of a greater power that is looking for taking over everything, maybe just like when Bush Sr. once said "we have the opportunity to forge for ourselves and future generations a NEW WORLD ORDER".

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"Radical Islam" an actual creed? Or just a deception?"
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